Friday, April 5, 2013

Long Time, No See

Wow. It's been over a year since I've posted. So much has happened in the past year. Leon has a TSS now. She's amazing with him and he's progressed even further than before. January 1st of this year we moved 6 miles into has house 3x bigger than the trailer we were living in. We have so much more room that all that we moved with hardly filled it. It's 3 bedrooms like the trailer but the rooms are bigger and there's room for additions. The master bedroom here is the size of the living room at the trailer and the master bedroom at the trailer is the size of my daughter's current room. I'll post pictures in a later post.

My daughter wanted to try school, so we registered her and she went to first grade. We felt it was best to have her start in 1st grade instead to try and get her in 2nd. Both her and my oldest son are now in the same grade. My youngest will also be starting school this year. While I would love to homeschool him, I will need him to be in school so I can work. Finances call for it. So starting this next school year I hope to have a job that will help with extras that we need and sometimes want. Thankfully, my husband's job is able to pay for the main bills but there's not much room for anything else.

Well, I'll have to stop here. Bedtime for the kiddies (way past it :P). Happy Light It Up Blue Month!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wii Are Going To Play

We recently acquired a Wii from a friend cheap. We don't own any games at the moment, but we are borrowing Wii Sports and some other small games from my sister-in-law. It's amazing how fast the next generation are able to pick up on current forms of fun. My six-year-old daughter can play the bowling, tennis and golf games very well. In fact she beats me at bowling quite a lot and I was in a bowling league (though that was a about 7 years ago). My youngest also has the "hang of it." My hubby and I are thinking about getting them MarioKart for Christmas. We can also get the steering wheel holders at the dollar store. It's really fun to play (or frustrating; darn golf :P). Between my husband and I, we have owned almost every console ever made. Just a bit of trivia. Well, off to do my night cleaning and relaxing till hubby comes home. Night all.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What's a Girl To Do?

It's been a year since my last post. It snowed just before Halloween, a sign of the winter to come. We've had ups and downs this past year, like everyone else. I'll try blogging again, though I'm not very good at it. I don't think it's my calling, but for right now I'll try.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Autumn

As you see below, last year I wrote about this wonderful time of year and about Thanksgiving. This year is one I'm especially thankful for as it was a year that there were a lot of changes for the better that, for me, outweigh the changes that were disheartening. This past year has brought me closer to God than all my years as a Believer.

I'm looking outside my window right now and it's sunny and clear and even though most of the beautiful leaves have fallen, it's a reminder of the wonderful crisp, white snow that's to come. There's a "magic," a mystique, that fills the air this time of year and it's an uplifting feeling.

I know that a lot of people get depressed this time of year for many different reasons, but I guess since God blessed me with the most wonderful memories for this time of year that I'm not saddened when the snow and dark dreary days set in.

The Beginning of My Journey

I've been a Christian for many years now. But through the years I have backslid-den quite a lot. This past year though God has really been speaking to me, waking me up. And my husband accepting Jesus as his Savior has shown me that though I backslid, God still answered my prayers.

Now my husband and I are on the same page and are now walking together holding hands instead of going opposite directions with a rope connecting us so that we're having a tug-of-war.

My Titus 2 journey started a few months ago when God led me to a blog of a woman named Candy. Sadly, she is no longer blogging, though I understand why she stopped. I never got to tell her how God used her to get me back on track. God truly spoke to me through her and gave me a lot of great advice, instruction, tips and encouragement.

I recently read A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. It's a wonderful book and I'm thankful that God led me to read it. It expanded on what Candy wrote in her blog. I've been putting all the things I've learned into practice and my husband says he's seen a difference.

I'm still learning and listening to God's teaching and I pray that every day I'll be one day closer to being a woman after God's own Heart.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Autumn has always been my favorite time of year, along with Spring. Both are not too cold (most of the time) and not too warm.

I've always loved to look at the trees when they start to change the beautiful colors of Autumn. I'm thankful that the Lord created trees to do this. I love the cool, crisp air and running through a pile of leaves. Thankfully my parents never seemed to get angry about that. I guess as long as we raked it back up, they didn't mind.

I love Thanksgiving and I'm thankful to God that my parents showed me the true way to be thankful, though I may not show it a lot of the time. My father always did most of the preparing and cooking on Thanksgiving and I guess that some people would think it was because he was the better cook. But I believe it's because he wanted to give my mom a break and to show her his thanks for all that she does. He still does Thanksgiving till this day, though they share the preparations now. I hope and pray that my kids are able to have most of the same memories I have of this time of year.

I'll end this post with blessings to you and your families and I pray that this season brings you joy, thanksgiving and closeness to the Lord.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

God Works In Wonderous Ways; Jan 8, 2009

I have a wonderful story of what happened to me today.

I was at Wal Mart waiting for my husband because I was supposed to meet him. I got there about 10am and I waited. After waiting for a while I started to get worried. By that time my kids were getting frustrated, as was I, and I had given my two oldest a toy to play with. Well, thinking something bad might have happened, I decided that I should go home and check the answering machine and the kids would not be upset. I took the toys away and my daughter started to have a tantrum because she didn't want to go and she wanted the toy. When my daughter threw the water bottle I had in the cart I was about to lose it, then a woman walked up and asked if she could help in any way. I started to stutter on my answer because I was flustered. Seeing that, she then started talking to my daughter to calm her down and convinced my daughter to put her coat on. The woman ask what my situation was. I told her I was waiting for my husband because he was coming to cash his paycheck then we were going to go shopping, but he hadn't come yet and I was getting worried. I asked her the time and it was 11am. I knew my kids were hungry. Then she offered her cell phone to me to call the house to see if he was there since he doesn't have a cell. She had full bars which is very rare for being in Wal Mart. I called and no one answered. Then she offered to by me groceries and help me to my car saying she knows how it is because she has 10 children and she remembered it being hard with young kids like mine. I said that I really didn't want to put her out. My daughter kept saying that she wanted to ride those coin cars and the woman give her $.50. I kept thanking her the whole time. I was embarrassed and still worried. So we went our separate ways and after riding the coin car we went outside to our car. As I was loading the kids in, I heard someone say that they saw me getting into the car and decided to help. It was the woman again. During our conversation in the store we talked about the kids being hungry and did offer to buy them food. I had declined. Well, after helping me load the car she handed me a $20 bill and told me to buy them something to eat on the way home. I'm getting teary-eyed just writing this. I started to tear up and I thanked her. She said, "No problem. I'm just passing goodness along." Then she told me "God bless" and I said the same to her.

I truly believe that God sent her to me because He knew I needed her at that exact moment. I didn't ask her name and I should have. I've heard of stories where people say that someone has helped them in their time of need and when they went back to thank them properly, it's like they were never there. Basically an angel. I think that may have happened to me or it was someone who was just doing God's Will. I pray she knows how much she helped me and how truly thankful I was and am that God sent her to me.